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Killer Squad by Teddy Killerz & Special Guests

3. augusta 2016
22 : 00
Plynární 1096/23, Praha 7
Prague, 170 00 Czech Republic

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Killer Squad by Teddy Killerz & Special Guests

To celebrate our forthcoming collaborative ‚Killer Squad‘ EP on Ram Records, featuring Icicle, Audio, Gridlok, Counterstrike, Annix and June Miller, we are throwing a FREE party to celebrate at Cross Club in Prague on 03/08/2016. Teddy Killerz + very special guests will be performing on the night.


P.S: For those who are not in Prague we are premiering the whole EP via an exclusive live stream on 03.08 at 07:00 PM via Teddy Killerz official Facebook page. Tune in!


Na oslavu nového chystaného ‚Killer Squad‘ EP na Ram Records, které vzniklo v kolaboraci s Iciclem, Audiem, Gridlokem, Counterstrikem, Annixem a June Millerem jsme pro Vás připravili FREE party v klubu Cross.
Takže 03.08.2016 oslavíme nový release s Teddy Killerz a jejich velice speciálními hosty a to, že propaříte celou noc Vám můžeme slíbit.


PS: Pro ty, kteří nemůžou být s námi v Praze odvidíláme streamem 3.8. od 19:00 celé EP na Teddy Killerz official Facebook page. Tune it!

2nd stage chillout:
BenJammin (UK/ESP), MikkiM, Fredy High ( ragga,hip hop, breaks, bassline, raggajungle, raggatek)